Candidate Assessment Process:
This in-depth assessment process will help to ensure the right candidates are selected. Furthermore, equipping new talent with the necessary onboarding strategies/tools will expedite their learning curve and enable them to hit the ground running.


The overall goal is to conduct an in depth, formal assessment and evaluation of finalist candidates for key positions to help validate initial interview findings. This process will provide the following:

  • A deeper understanding of candidates’ strengths and areas of opportunities
  • The alignment of candidates’ assessment to position requirements, overall organizational capabilities, leadership profile, strategic objectives, and culture
  • A recommendation for onboarding strategies to accelerate learning around candidates’ identified developmental opportunities
Phase 1: Background Research

During this phase information about the position will be garnered through a variety of resources, such as:

  • Position description and organization culture
  • Strategic business objectives and organizational leadership competencies
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Discussion of the potential career stallers (reasons for failure) that impact this position
Phase 2: Pre Interview
  1. Assessment: Prior to the interview, the candidate will be asked to complete self-assessments.
  2. Applicant Debrief: A conference call will be scheduled with the recruiting team to discuss the candidate’s strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the position and to the organization’s strategic priorities, and key questions or concerns that the interview team has about the candidate.
  3. Analysis and Interview Preparation: Prior to the interview E. Rogers Associates, Inc. will analyze the test results, align results to the applicant debrief discussion, and incorporate additional customized questions into the interview.
Phase 3: In Depth Interview

The in depth interview is based on the research concept of learning agility. Agility is defined as the power of moving quickly and easily, continuous learning and growth – all in the pursuit of excellence. During this phase a three-hour interview will be conducted by E. Rogers Associates, Inc. and incorporate the following:

  • Life interview
  • Learning by Experience interview
  • Career staller questions
  • Key questions from testing analysis and applicant debrief
Phase 4: Summary Report

During this phase a summary report will be developed and submitted to the organization which will include the following:

  • Summary assessment of the candidate’s strengths and areas of opportunities
  • Implications and connections to the position description, the organization’s strategic priorities, and cultural fit

The report will conclude with suggestions for development, as well as onboarding strategies targeting the candidate’s opportunity areas.

A phone debrief will also be available to support the summary report.