We have been developing leaders based on the 70/20/10 framework for decades, our article, Lead with Millennials, begins to explore whether it is time to revise or revolutionize that framework. About fifteen years ago, four generations (Silents/Traditionalists, Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Millennial’s) began working together for the first time. This change stimulated a growing interest in understanding generational differences, including their work preferences and value systems. Gregory Moise and I examine the major events and societal trends that occurred as each cohort aged. The Millennial Generation is the fastest growing group and has become the largest generation in the United States Labor Force. We recommend an organization focus on what is effective across generations rather than specifically creating different practices for each generation. As Millennials begin to dominate the workforce, we need to bring our development models from the 80’s into the 21st century. One of our best development models (70 percent Job experiences, 20 percent People, and 10 percent Courses) is based on research conducted on Baby Boomers and Traditionalists in the late 1980’s by the Center for Creative Leadership (McCall, Lombardo, and Morrison, 1988)1. We discuss the shifts that are occurring to the model driven by Millennials perceived characteristics and technology. As Baby Boomers retire, organizations will have no other choice than to bring up Millennials into the leadership ranks. There will be an imperative for accelerated development. Due to their sheer size, Millennials will push organizations to evaluate the 70, 20, 10 model similar to how Baby Boomers have redefined retirement. We encourage leadership development professionals to look for opportunities within their development practices to more closely align with advances in technology, the larger business environment and work towards “hyper-accelerating” the development of their talented employees.
- McCall, Jr., M, Lombardo, M. Morrison, A. The Lessons of Experiences. New York: The Free Press, 1988.